Turn practice into competition

Making football more fun!

Every week, 100,000 football games are played on street pitches, in parks, and at clubs. With Cuppie, we make these games easier for coaches and more enjoyable for players.


More enjoyable​

Players challenged to train more intensely

Cuppie processes the results of the games directly into the leaderboard. This way, every player can see the impact of their game and what the effect will be if they win the next game.

Even match ups

Cuppie assigns the teams

Using the team generator, Cuppie divides teams based on player strength or other insights. Of course, you can play multiple games and change the team composition.

Increase attendance

Players practice more often

Thanks to Cuppie, the team’s training beast is highlighted. Training more often pays off!

Why wait?

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For Free!

With Cuppie, football becomes even more fun and exciting.

Yes, Cuppie is completely free to download and use. Download the app now from the App Store or Google Play Store.

Cuppie is currently developed for for football, you can use Cuppie for other teamsports. In the future we will design it more specific in terms of look &feel for other teamsports. Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know about the latest updates and new developments.

You can download Cuppie from the App Store or Google Play Store.

Log in here and see your ranking directly on the home page or your profile page.

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